Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Automatic SSH ramdisk creation and loading

A runnable JAR archive - works on OS X or Windows; needs 32-bit JRE on Windows.
Supported devices - hopefully everything Syringe supports (devices with A4 chips and lower) plus iPhone 2G, iPhone 3G and iPod Touch 1G.
The tool automatically downloads required files from Apple using @planetbeing's Partial Zip, patches them and sends to the device.
If everything works as it should, the only thing you need is an SSH client.

Made possible thanks to Camilo Rodrigues (@Allpluscomputer)

Including xpwn source code by the iPhone Dev Team and @planetbeing
Including syringe source code by Chronic-Dev and @posixninja
syringe exploits by @pod2g, geohot & @posixninja
pwnage2 exploit by iPhone Dev Team
Special thanks to @iH8sn0w - EMF tools and kernel patches

To see more verbose stuff, run from command line: java -jar ssh_rd_rev04b.jar
Source on github.

* [01/15/12] updated to rev02b: colorized log messages; more prominent success message; exception traces; usb_mux starts immediately on app launch, so you can restart the app and reconnect SSH without having to go through DFU again
* [01/18/12] rev02c: iPhone 4 CDMA actually works now; iPhone 3G should as well - please leave a comment if it doesn't ..
* [01/20/12] rev02d: Should work with iTunes >= 10.0 and Windows XP.
* [01/25/12] rev03: Added 'ls' ;). Added an auto-mount script. Added bin paths from /mnt1 to PATH in .profile.
* [01/26/12] Added a YouTube video demo
* [02/05/12] rev03b: Fixed Snow Leopard compatibility
* [03/07/12] rev03c: Using fw 4.2.1 with iPhone 3G (instead of 4.0.1 in earlier builds)
* [07/09/12] rev04a: Added device_infos tool from - if the user volume is corrupted, you can image it and decrypt with (see Readme). Also, local ipsw files are used if present (for offline use).
* [06/29/13] rev04b: Fixed crash when connecting iOS7 devices on OS X and DLL load errors on Windows.

How to report bugs

Windows How-To

Video demo:


«Oldest   ‹Older   201 – 395 of 395
Anonymous said...

Awesome, I finally managed to restore my iPod Touchs.

Andrew said...
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Andrew said...

Hi, I can't seem to get it to run at all; in the command window I get;

C:\java -jar ssh_rd_rev04a.jar
Could not load iTunesMobileDevice from C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Apple
\Mobile Device Support\iTunesMobileDevice.dll; ABORTING

In the GUI window, "INIT FAILED (mux thread)!"

I've checked the file, no problem with it. I've uninstalled/reinstalled iTunes, though it works fine.

Any ideas? I've managed to load an SSH ramdisk on other devices, but I've had no luck on this particular 3GS and I was hoping to try your package to help me decide whether I was just doing something wrong or if there's a hardware fault in the device ^^


icywindow said...

This is _exactly_ what I was looking for. Amazing! Thank you so much!

flowers online said...

It's quit intresting blog, I like it. Freelance Iphone Apps Developer London

vartok said...
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vartok said...

i tryed deleting a package i downloaded of cyda and im stuck at the apple logo now... stumbled across this (yes im jailbroked and using iphone 4) but this is what i get when i try to run the .jar file

Extracted resource to C:\DOCUME~1\vartok\LOCALS~1\Temp\ssh_rd\native\jsyringeapi.dll
Extracted resource to C:\DOCUME~1\vartok\LOCALS~1\Temp\ssh_rd\native\mux_redux.dll

INIT FAILED (mux thread)!
Possible causes:
iTunes 9 or newer is NOT installed.
Could not bind to the port 2202 (make sure only one instance is running!

dtkerns said...
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dtkerns said...
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preeti22 said...

Thanks for sharing this working instruction, i tried it and solved my problem.
I have some basic instruction when your iTunes account getting hacked. There is simple step for Reset disabled / hacked iTunes account.

Marcello said...
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Marcello said...

I tried this as last resort for an iPhone 4 in boot loop forever, even during iTunes restore...
It gives some good signs, but stuck again in boot loop at some point.

Any idea what could be wrong in my phone or in how I execute the procedure?

Unknown said...


Thanks a lot for great utility! But I have no success with 3G preparation. Reason: No devices in /dev for mounting.

I have send to you email with full outputs and logs.
Thanks in advance!

Nu am said...
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Nu am said...

First, thanks for this big work!
It worked for me in the past but now trying to run "java -jar ssh_rd_rev04a.jar" on my 3gs w/new bootrom.
At first I got the INIT FAILED (mux thread)! error.

Then I killed ipodservice.exe and went smooth up to
"Exploit sent" when the device reboots and comes back in normal boot.

Found device in DFU mode
Checking if device is compatible with this jailbreak
Checking the device type
Identified device as iPhone2,1
Preparing to upload limera1n exploit
Resetting device counters
Sending chunk headers
Sending exploit payload
Sending fake data
Exploit sent

then "Reconnecting to device
Waiting 2 seconds for the device to pop up...", creates usb tunnel but I connect to normal existing cydia sshd instead of expected live ramdisk sshd.

Rake said...

INIT FAILED (mux thread)!
Possible causes:
iTunes 9 or newer is NOT installed.
Could not bind to the port 2202 (make sure only one instance is running!

Win Vista, Itunes 10 installed - what could this be due to ?

Rake said...

INIT FAILED (mux thread)!
Possible causes:
iTunes 9 or newer is NOT installed.
Could not bind to the port 2202 (make sure only one instance is running!

Confused as installed JRE 32 bit and itunes 10.

Unknown said...

Firstly I would like to send out big thanks to msft.guy, reanimator and everybody who has worked on this. My ipod touch 4g stuck at the apple logo forever bacause I wantet to free up some ram to make it faster. So i deleted some launchdaemons only these wihich wehre said to be safe but it didn't worked. then I used your tool and it worked fine I replaced the invalid launchdaemons with my backup I thought everything should work now without having to restore but it didn't. Then i disabled all mobile substrate plugins und used iREB 5 to exit the recovery loop where i was in. But then my ipod was just like at the begining there was only the apple logo foreever and it never dissapeared. Please can you help me to fix it without having to restore please ?

sorry for the bad language but I am not from an englisch speaking country

ml05019 said...

To those getting the following error:
iTunes 9 or newer is NOT installed.
Could not bind to the port 2202
looks like the program in this post does not work with Java 7. Uninstalled it and installed Java 6u31 - and it did the trick.

Unknown said...

If anyone cannot mount /mnt2 to save/copy their files, mount it readonly

1) error

Checking /dev/disk0s1 ..
** /dev/rdisk0s1
Executing fsck_hfs (version diskdev_cmds-488.1.7~391).
** Checking non-journaled HFS Plus Volume.
** Detected a case-sensitive volume.
** Checking extents overflow file.
** Checking catalog file.
** Checking multi-linked files.
** Checking catalog hierarchy.
** Checking extended attributes file.
** Checking volume bitmap.
** Checking volume information.
** The volume SUNorthstarTwo7E18.iPhoneOS appears to be OK.
Mounting /dev/disk0s1 on /mnt1 ..
Checking /dev/disk0s2 ..
** /dev/rdisk0s2
Executing fsck_hfs (version diskdev_cmds-488.1.7~391).
** Checking non-journaled HFS Plus Volume.
** Detected a case-sensitive volume.
** Checking extents overflow file.
** Checking catalog file.
Invalid sibling link
(4, 2097)
** Rebuilding catalog B-tree.
** The volume Data could not be repaired.

2) fix

# mount_hfs -o rdonly /dev/disk0s2 /mnt2

3) disconnect/reconnect cyberduck or fugu (mac) to browse /mnt2 again : tadaaa

4) be happy, save your files and fucking restore your iphone to a clean system

Unknown said...

btw, THANK YOU to anyone involved in this beautiful tool that literally saved my ass helping restore my kids baby recordings and latest pics - you guys just rock.

Unknown said...

Thank you for this post, the video and the information.

First I did not work I keep trying with one computer. I later change with other computer and It did work really quick.

I must mention that instead of using putty for the SSH client. I use WinSCP to connect to the iphone g4 since it gives me a graphic interface option(GUI).

When I put it on DFU Mode for some reason it restarted and give me back the screen with the cable and itunes logo so I use IREB to put it on DFU mode. Next use the ssh_rd_rev04a script once it give me the username and password as in the video I used winscp to transfer my videos and photos.

Once again thank you!

Unknown said...

Forgot to mention my computers and windows xp and on the winSCP program for host i put local host and for the port 2022. Input username and password, it gives you a warnning click yes and got your files back.. =)

sneal said...


Talks to my iphone3s very well, but /mnt2 shows up as empty. I've tried to fsck_hfs -df. says volume could not be repaired.

Can anyone help me decipher this and perhaps suggest what I might do next. Thanks a million

sneal said...

@Pat Maz

Tried that still get mount_hfs Invalid argument. Any other ideas?

Unknown said...

Hi, I really appreciate your blog. Great!!!!!!!!!!

Fargbyte iphone 4

Unknown said...


mine was a 3G on os 3.1.3

what is yours?

try to execute again and post full output, so we can see what ios version the script thinks it sees

not sure later ios versions use /dev/disk0s2s2 for /mnt2

mount_hfs -o rdonly /dev/disk0s1 /mnt2
instead of
mount_hfs -o rdonly /dev/disk0s2 /mnt2

sneal said...

@ Pat Maz

Here you go. Relatively short so sorry for not using pastie:

login as: root
root@localhost's password:
Use script to mount the partitions
Use reboot_bak to reboot
Use 'device_infos' to dump EMF keys (when imaging user volume)
Checking /dev/disk0s1 ..
** /dev/rdisk0s1
Executing fsck_hfs (version diskdev_cmds-547.1~23).
** Checking non-journaled HFS Plus Volume.
** Detected a case-sensitive volume.
The volume name is Apex8A293.N88OS
** Checking extents overflow file.
** Checking catalog file.
** Checking multi-linked files.
** Checking catalog hierarchy.
** Checking extended attributes file.
** Checking volume bitmap.
** Checking volume information.
** Trimming unused blocks.
** The volume Apex8A293.N88OS appears to be OK.
Mounting /dev/disk0s1 on /mnt1 ..
Mounting /dev/disk0s2s1 on /mnt2 ..
mount_hfs: Invalid argument


Unknown said...


then go ahead and mount /mnt2 readonly to access your graal files

$ mount_hfs -o rdonly /dev/disk0s1 /mnt2
$ ls -l /mnt2 (should populate content)

If yes, disconnect/reconnect whatever software you use to browse /mnt2 via sftp (winscp, fugu, cyberduck, etc)


Unknown said...

Sorry read

$ mount_hfs -o rdonly /dev/disk0s2s1 /mnt2

sneal said...

@ Pat Maz

Tried fsck_hsf with -d (debug) and got the following:

-sh-4.0# fsck_hfs -d /dev/disk0s2s1
journal_replay(/dev/disk0s2s1) returned 0
** /dev/rdisk0s2s1
Using cacheBlockSize=32K cacheTotalBlock=1024 cacheSize=32768K.
Executing fsck_hfs (version diskdev_cmds-547.1~23).
** Checking Journaled HFS Plus volume.
** Detected a case-sensitive volume.
The volume name is Data
** Checking extents overflow file.
** Checking catalog file.
Keys out of order
(4, 22)
** Rebuilding catalog B-tree.
hfs_UNswap_BTNode: invalid node height (1)
** The volume Data could not be repaired.
volume type is pure HFS+
primary MDB is at block 0 0x00
alternate MDB is at block 0 0x00
primary VHB is at block 2 0x02
alternate VHB is at block 14167686 0xd82e86
sector size = 512 0x200
VolumeObject flags = 0x07
total sectors for volume = 14167688 0xd82e88
total sectors for embedded volume = 0 0x00

fraid its gobbledygook to me. Any ideas anyone?

sneal said...

@ Pat Maz

crossed post. Nope.
mount_hfs -o rdonly /dev/disk0s2s1 /mnt2

Just gives me mount_hfs: Invalid argument

and ls -l /mnt2 gives

total 2

and that is it.

Really appreciate your help. Starting to bang my head on the table!

Unknown said...

gee there must be a way to repair this filesystem

make sure filesystem is NOT mounted prior to trying what I suggested above...

If need be redo the DFU part but don't use prior to fsck_hfs

I'd then try to give these options a go

if fsck fails to repair, redo DFU again and mount readonly

$ cat /bin/ : try to replay the portion of code that applies to your iOS version

Please output this here too, to make sure the device expects, ie, /dev/disk0s2s1, exists

ls -l /dev/disk*

Unknown said...


$ cat /bin/ : try to replay the portion of code that applies to your iOS version at mount time, just adding -o rdonly

Bob said...

Your program loads and goes through the process until the "Almost there" message. Then the phone reboots and goes to recovery mode. The process stops at that point.

It's an iPhone 4 using Lion on a mini.

I've tried Win 7, different USB cables, always the same results.

I'll give you the bottom of the read-out. In looking at this thread, I'm not the only one with this problem. I don't know that you can offer any help. I just thought you might like to know this situation occurs with some of us who appreciate your work but just can't make it complete the process.


Downloading 038-5512-003.dmg
Downloaded to /var/folders/7k/dy6fb9gs6_s32z_fc9_0lgsc0000gn/T/ssh_rd/ipsw_iphone31_9B208/038-5512-003.dmg.orig
Decrypted to /var/folders/7k/dy6fb9gs6_s32z_fc9_0lgsc0000gn/T/ssh_rd/ipsw_iphone31_9B208/038-5512-003.dmg.dec
Extracted resource to /var/folders/7k/dy6fb9gs6_s32z_fc9_0lgsc0000gn/T/ssh_rd/ssh.tar
Added ssh.tar to the ramdisk
Ramdisk prepared at /var/folders/7k/dy6fb9gs6_s32z_fc9_0lgsc0000gn/T/ssh_rd/ipsw_iphone31_9B208/038-5512-003.dmg
Using syringe to exploit the bootrom..
MobileDevice event: DfuDisconnect, 1227, 8930
MobileDevice event: DfuConnect, 1227, 8930
Exploit sent!
Preparing to load the ramdisk..
Ramdisk load started!
DFU device 'iPhone 4 (GSM)' connected
Ignoring same device iPhone 4 (GSM)
MobileDevice event: DfuDisconnect, 1227, 8930
MobileDevice event: DfuConnect, 1227, 8930
DFU device 'iPhone 4 (GSM)' connected
Ignoring same device iPhone 4 (GSM)
MobileDevice event: DfuDisconnect, 1227, 8930
MobileDevice event: RecoveryConnect, 1281, 8930
MobileDevice event: RecoveryDisconnect, 1281, 8930
Almost there..
MobileDevice event: RecoveryConnect, 1281, 8930

Unknown said...


I've had the tool sort of stalli on me too at first

I retried and it worked on the second or third try...

I'm on mac snow leopard.... (ihpone 3g 3.1.3 initially)

Do you have a linux/unix box around to try onto ?

Bob said...

@Pat Maz

Along with the above, I also used iReb to boot into DFU. I've tried 10 or more times. I've tried on 2 Macs (SN, Lion) and 2 Win boxes.

I do have a Linux box. I suppose I could try that.


Bob said...

@Pat Maz

No iTunes on Linux.
Tool won't run without iTunes.

Unknown said...

My 3Gs with 5.1.1 continous rebooting after installing Pdanet..
tried this utility but struck at ::
MobileDevice event: RecoveryConnect, 52d1281, 8920

I using it on windows 7

Thanks in advance

Courtney said...

I have tried to read through all these comments and I am more confused than ever! I am desperate to get pictures off my iPod Touch 64GB but it is disabled for 42 years. I started this process but I am stuck when I open the .JRE file. It says the INIT FAILED and says that possible causes are the version of iTunes and unable to bind to port 2202, which I am unfamiliar with. I have the latest version of iTunes. I need directions written for a small child. I am so unfamiliar with computer speak.
Thanks in advance for any help you might be able to give

Unknown said...

Thank you for creating this blog. You're a life saver. Thank you also for everyone who posted helpful comments and everyone involved in creating the tools featured in the blog.easy jailbreak iphone 4s help

Unknown said...

The tool automatically downloads required files from Apple using @planetbeing's Partial Zip, patches them and sends to the device.unlock iphone 3gs guides

tenthou said...

Excellent & remarkable post! I have been visiting various blogs for my Thesis writing help. I have found your blog to be quite useful. Keep updating your blog with valuable information... Substitui��o dos Para-brisas

Zinzi said...

You are the BEST!!
Now, i'm waiting for A5 devices support for my new ipad 3rd.
Thank you a lot.

Zinzi said...

news for me?

Unknown said...


I hadn't backed my phone up in months and went to sync it and Apple asked me if I wanted to update the iphone software. It began to update and after a very long time showed an error and it said the only option I have is to restore and therefore lose everything I'm wanting to backup. The screen shows the usb image and the itunes logo. A friend suggested I try your program. Can what you've made help me to avoid having to restore and avoid having to spend tons of money to a recovery company? I watched the tutorial and it's a bit over my head. I'm sure I could attempt, but wanted to know first if I'm digging in the right place here with your program. It shows in the video being able to access the part of the phone via cyberduck to recover the photos and such.

Please let me know asap! hugely appreciated.

Unknown said...

Im trying it on an iphone 4 5.1.1. I get to "Exploit Sent!
preparing to load ramdisk, ramdisk load started! it get to the third line after that which is, MobileDevice event: DfuDisconnect,1227, 8930 then stops and goes no further. I left the device connect for 30 minutes. Any help would be appreciated.


demon said...

The best news of this year! This is third great step after jailbreak and unlocking! Thank you!

Looks wonderfull cause working with unjailbreaked iphones, can be used when othe tools are not working anymore for restore or backup.

Anonymous said...

Does this method work not only for recovering data from bricked iPhones but also for retrieving files that is supposedly wiped off by clicking "Erase All Content and Settings" in Settings > General > Reset menu or is some additional steps required ? I'm not that hopeful since I read this post: but any help would be greatly appreciated.

Sergey said...

Thanks, very helpfull program even for iOS 6.0.1. And device_infos is really help to decrypt files. Now is a stupid question. Can you add a possibility for as well to recover all encrypted files. Becouse the device_infos does not give keys for keychain.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

i have iphone 4 and i have updatet to iOS 6.1 and my iPhone crashes now the fone dont start i see the apple logo for 5 sec and the fone restarts only this apple logo restart apple logo restart ... now is the phone in recovery mode and i need this prog for data rescue Pictures phone nummbers and and .. can help me ? ( my English is very bad sorry i speak German and Greek ) thx !!!

Davi Trindade said...


I know msft.guy is probably tired of answering questions like mine but here it goes:

i got the root file system extracted and need to decrypt it. i've tried the info on iphonewiki but its just all so confusing.

i have the 0x835 and 0x89b. so where do i go to decrypt that thing?

thanks guys

Unknown said...

I hav an iPhone 3gs oldbootrom, jailbroken and im using the auto ssh_rd application but for some reason it keeps trying to load the ramdisk using 5.1.1 Please advice/healp! I really need the data stored in it! Thanks for the work youre doinf though!

Unknown said...

Thank you & your team for such an AWESOME tool, my iPhone 3GS is back to it's working state.

ZhengHui Lim said...

Thank you msft.guy!! You just saved my iPhone 2G that was dead for 6 months from a restore and helped me recover all my data. It's alive, it's alive! :)

wynand2000 said...

Can you please help me out here?
Hi, here where it stopped 4 times now:

Unknown said...


J. said...

I was in a big hope when the process stopped!
Does someone can understand it, i'm a newbs and only follow instructions.

I never have the "exploit sent".
After the dfu mode connection,it all work untill "using synringe to exploit the bootrom", then "mobile device event, dfu disconnect" but not the line after, whith "connect". So it just stop there, without anything. At this point, itunes also doesn't detect the iphone in recovery mode.

Thanks for your help. That's my last chance not to erase my phone!


J. said...

Hello again,

I just tried on a pc and download the last one "rev04a",
So now it works longer, but not all, this time I'm less stupid and I copy the message:

Using syringe to exploit the bootrom..
Exploit sent!
Preparing to load the ramdisk..
Ramdisk load started!
MobileDevice event: DfuDisconnect, 7841227, 8930
MobileDevice event: DfuConnect, 7851227, 8930
DFU device 'iPhone 4 (GSM)' connected
Ignoring same device iPhone 4 (GSM)
MobileDevice event: DfuDisconnect, 7851227, 8930
MobileDevice event: RecoveryConnect, 7851281, 8930

And it stop. No success message. Does someone have a clue?

Thanks again.


CookieTheSecond said...

Crashing on Mac OS X when you connect a device in DFU mode...

hexagons-macbook-pro:Downloads Hexagon$ java -d32 -jar /Users/Hexagon/Downloads/ssh_rd_rev04a.jar
Waiting for new TCP connection on port 2022
Waiting for device...
Device connected: 9464c10900f102161e10699eb54c4cd7a0048bc6
Device disconnected: 9464c10900f102161e10699eb54c4cd7a0048bc6
Clearing saved mux connection
Invalid memory access of location 0x0 eip=0x18bc6b49
Bus error: 10
hexagons-macbook-pro:Downloads Hexagon$

Also said that iTunes was not installed when it was, even when running the JVM as Administrator, saying it wasn't able to load iTunesMobileDevice.dll...........

Safdar Ali said...

Is it work for iPhone S4? ucuz iphone 4

Anonymous said...

Nice post..Now a days all people are using only online your blog is more useful to their Mobile Recharge Api

mio said...

Hi, the tool is working fine on a 3GS until the point it starts loading the ramdisk, but it nevers stops, suddenly it reboots but it reboots in recovery mode and gets stuck there.
Any idea?

mio said...

Hi, the tool is working fine on a 3GS until the point it starts loading the ramdisk, but it nevers stops, suddenly it reboots but it reboots in recovery mode and gets stuck there.
Any idea?

Adrien835 (Gamertag: adrien835) said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Adrien835 (Gamertag: adrien835) said...

I cry :'''(

Unknown said...

I truly like to reading your post. Thank you so much for taking the time to share such a nice information.Keep posting such type of a nice blog.
Mobile Recharge Api

Unknown said...


First I want to say thanks for all the help thus far. Though I have one question. Basically, what command do we type to get the entire disk image?

Thanks again.

Unknown said...


Thank you for all your help thus far. Though I was wondering what command we type to get the entire disk image mounted. Basically I need to try to retrieve some photos on a factory restored iphone 4. Any more help would be greatly appreciate4d.

Best regards

မိုးညိုသား said...

Connect a device in DFU mode MobileDevice event: DfuConnect, 5791227, a008942 DFU device 'UNSUPPORTED' connected Ignoring unsupported device UNSUPPORTED MobileDevice event: DfuDisconnect, 5791227, a008942

Please help me. for my ipad mini



I have been able to use it on an Iphone 3g halfway through.
meaning I did everything right, went as far as to launch cyberduck but disk mnt2 was empty.
checking the log of the terminal window i found clues about the second iphone partition to be corrupted.
I am not a tech geek so it is becoming increasingly painful to get through this, and before reading posts about tech stuff for a couple of days I would like to knoe if it is possible to mix this process with an image dump of the disk without mounting it.
i can give up pics but there are some text data I would like still to recover...

here is what i believe the relevant terminal log part
Checking /dev/disk0s2 ..
** /dev/rdisk0s2
Executing fsck_hfs (version diskdev_cmds-488.1.7~391).
** Checking non-journaled HFS Plus Volume.
** Detected a case-sensitive volume.
** Checking extents overflow file.
** Checking catalog file.
Keys out of order
(4, 1831)
** Rebuilding catalog B-tree.
** The volume Data could not be repaired.
Mounting /dev/disk0s2 on /mnt2 ..
mount_hfs: Invalid argument

anyway great program and great work.
big kudos

Anonymous said...

im using windows 7 and was getting a problem where where it says injecting code and then just reboots. i put the 7.0 ipsw into the same folder as the ssh_rd and then re-ran it and it now works every time. i cant get to work but winscp works now. so if any one else is having this problem maybe they can try this.

Moks said...

I cant run jar file... can someone confirm if this only works for win 32bit? im using windows 7 64 bit

一见 said...

Hello,how to solve the input appear

Could not mount system volume; retry later or file a bug.

Could not mount user data volume; retry later or file a bug.

Thank you!


一见 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
一见 said...

iphone 4 ios7.02

windows xp 32 java6

Hello,how to solve the input appear

Could not mount system volume; retry later or file a bug.

Could not mount user data volume; retry later or file a bug.

Thank you!

Unknown said...

please add iphone 3,2 cause its not supported :( pleaasseeee

Alex said...

please add iphone 4 Rev A (iphone3,2)

Anonymous said...

I can't see any disks in /dev/ to mount to?

-sh-4.0# ls /dev
aes_0 mux.spi-baseband random ttypa
bpf0 null rmd0 ttypb
bpf1 pf tty ttypc
bpf2 ptmx tty.bluetooth ttypd
bpf3 ptyp0 tty.debug ttype
btreset ptyp1 tty.gas-gauge ttypf
btwake ptyp2 tty.gps ttys000
console ptyp3 tty.highland-park uart.bluetooth
cu.bluetooth ptyp4 tty.iap uart.debug
cu.debug ptyp5 tty.umts uart.gas-gauge
cu.gas-gauge ptyp6 ttyp0 uart.gps
cu.gps ptyp7 ttyp1 uart.highland-park
cu.highland-park ptyp8 ttyp2 uart.iap
cu.iap ptyp9 ttyp3 uart.umts
cu.umts ptypa ttyp4 urandom
fsevents ptypb ttyp5 vn0
io8log ptypc ttyp6 vn1
io8logmt ptypd ttyp7 zero
klog ptype ttyp8
md0 ptypf ttyp9

Any ideas?

Unknown said...

I get the same problem as many others.

The 2 disks aren't in /dev apparently. So, the script fails.

SDspecy said...

Anotther case of:

Connect a device in DFU mode
MobileDevice event: DfuConnect, 3441227, 8008940
DFU device 'UNSUPPORTED' connected
Ignoring unsupported device UNSUPPORTED

4S & IOS 7.0.3

Anonymous said...

Why do my iphone 3,2 don´t work with this ssd rd tool? can anyone help me?

kevin jose said...

My device say is not supported, is an iphone 4 model A1332

kevin jose said...

My device say is not supported, is an iphone 4 model A1332

Dominic Remigio said...

Hi msft.guy,

I have an error message like this:

Connect a device in DFU mode
MobileDevice event: DfuConnect, 79e1227, 6008942
DFU device 'UNSUPPORTED' connected
Ignoring unsupported device UNSUPPORTED

My device is an iPAD 2. it's isn't supported? What can i do?

Dominic Remigio said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
simpsons said...

on my iphone 4 on ios 7.0.3 after uploading the ramdisk it kicks my phone out of DFU and back to the lockscreen ive tried on multiple pcs and have done a full restore, thanks

Ricardo said...

Dear msft.guy, I have a big problem.. I am in Recovery Mode Loop and tryed every tools(Umbrella, redsn0w, ...) to fix and Recovery loop. I have new iPad(3 Retina) and I don´t have backup(iTunes/iCloud). I need only 1 video inside the application. The problem occurred after OTA Update 5.1.1 to 7.0.2. Do you have any suggestion? Thank´s so much.

Ricardo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ricardo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

The method with the tools works as it is explained.
My questions is how I can make an image of both iphone partitions using dd command from the ssh terminal window and save the images to a local C:\ drive on my computer?


Depression of a Lonely Soul said...

Hey whenever i try to mount it says cannot mount or something like that and i am trying to do the thing where you can get full root access without a jailbreak and i have an iPhone 4 CDMA and i was looking at this other tutorial on how to do it and some people said that you have to set the permissions of two files to "0644" but it made them go into a boot loop or something so can someone please help me out here i would be very appreciated if someone would help me and also here is the link to the tutorial and the tutorial is also on youtube: and that is the link for the tutorial and can someone please respond to me as soon as possible and im running iOS 7 but they said this works for iOS 7 but im not really to sure about it so someone please help me!!!! :)

Depression of a Lonely Soul said...

Hey whenever i try to mount it says cannot mount or something like that and i am trying to do the thing where you can get full root access without a jailbreak and i have an iPhone 4 CDMA and i was looking at this other tutorial on how to do it and some people said that you have to set the permissions of two files to "0644" but it made them go into a boot loop or something so can someone please help me out here i would be very appreciated if someone would help me and also here is the link to the tutorial and the tutorial is also on youtube: and that is the link for the tutorial and can someone please respond to me as soon as possible and im running iOS 7 but they said this works for iOS 7 but im not really to sure about it so someone please help me!!!! :)

Unknown said...

Hey! I have an iPhone 4, A4 chip, 3_2, iOS 7.0.3
and it says unsupported device?

Unknown said...

hello , im completely new at this kindof stuff . i have a iphone 5 and i wanted to know if it would work for me . i tryed to the first step and it said unsupported , am i doing somthing wrong or what? please help me

Unknown said...

hello , im completely new at this kindof stuff . i have a iphone 5 and i wanted to know if it would work for me . i tryed to the first step and it said unsupported , am i doing somthing wrong or what? please help me

Ruchika said...

Hi, I have an iPhone 4 (iOS 7.0.3) When I put the phone in DFU mode the GUI just quits and gives an error saying "GUI unexpectedly stopped while running mux....(something) plugin (I am using Mac OS X Snow Leopard). It is giving same error everytime the phone gets in DFU mode. Please help as my phone is stuck at the registration screen and I need to SSH in it. Please.


no soporta iphone 4 con ios 7.02

Anonymous said...

hi add iphone 3,2 and iphone 3,3 pls

Unknown said...

its not letting me downloaoadd the ssh ramdisk tool can someone comment a direct download link so i can get it please?

Mr Ogre said...

i m stuck in a first step. i download ssh_rd_rev04b.jar but when i open it suddenly Nokia suite manager open. plz guide me how can i open automatic ssh ramdisk tool?


Mr Ogre said...

i am unable to connect with winscp why?

Anonymous said...

Hi, everything is almost fine, but there is no /dev/disk* devices on my iPhone after loading ssh-rd, so I can't mount partiotions to operate them.
I tried to restore phone with a fresh firmware, but devices still doesn't appear. What can I do with this?
Thanks in advance and sorry for my terrible English.

Anonymous said...

Hi, everything is almost fine, but there is no /dev/disk* devices on my iPhone after loading ssh-rd, so I can't mount partiotions to operate them.
I tried to restore phone with a fresh firmware, but devices still doesn't appear. What can I do with this?
Thanks in advance and sorry for my terrible English.

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

tengo un problema con java cuando lo ejecuto y le ago el modo dfu me bota el error ignoring unsupported device unsuppoted ayudenme

Unknown said...

Hi my iPhone 4 iOS 7.0.4
this problem
Connect a device in DFU mode
MobileDevice event: MuxConnect, 0, 0
MobileDevice event: MuxDisconnect, 0, 0
MobileDevice event: DfuConnect, 5171227, 4008930
DFU device 'UNSUPPORTED' connected
Ignoring unsupported device UNSUPPORTED

how to make it work

Unknown said...

I have a problem, when I connect my iphone 4.1 (4s) in DFU mode, shows me a message like this "IGNORING UNSUPPORTED DEVICE". then nothing happens,   
My iphone has 7IOs, Someone can help me

Unknown said...

cuando estara disponible para iphone 5

Unknown said...

Amigos no me Funciona con mi iphone 4s con iOs 7.0.4 el archivo JAVA me dice "Ignoring unsupported device UNSUPPORTED" alguna manera de resolver el problema?

Unknown said...

Yo tengo el mismo problema y es porke solo es valido para procesadores a4 esperemos ke dentro de poco den soporte para los otros

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Where this the download link?

Anonymous said...

Hello, I want to know if there is the possibility to activate iphone 4s with ios 7.0.4 or if you are working for it. If there is a way, could inform me?

Thanks in advance

om-it solutions said...

Great blog very clear, professional and easy to understand. Lots of useful information. iphone application development company

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said... is not working iphone 4 ios 7.0.4

Andrés said...

Hi, I'm having this problem:

Connect a device in DFU mode
MobileDevice event: MuxConnect, 0, 0
MobileDevice event: MuxDisconnect, 0, 0
MobileDevice event: DfuConnect, 7271227, 4008930
DFU device 'UNSUPPORTED' connected
Ignoring unsupported device UNSUPPORTED

I've already tried in another computers but I've got the same result.

I'm trying to connect to an iphone 4, my best guess is that this iphone isn't the regular iphone 4 (GSM) but instead is iphone 4 (GSM REV. A), I'm by no means an advanced user but that's my best guess.

I'm running the jar in windows 7 x64 with java 7 update 45 JRE, I hope that there's a way around this error, someone please help.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

still getting try later or file a bug when i try command using i4 ios7

theeraser said...

Please can you give some help, I get the version 3 and it shut downs every time I put on DFU the device, on version ssh_rd_rev04b It just show me this

Connect a device in DFU mode
MobileDevice event: DfuConnect, 1227, 4008930
DFU device 'UNSUPPORTED' connected
Ignoring unsupported device UNSUPPORTED

Some help will be more than appreciated :D

thatdreamrgirl said...

I'm trying this on an iphone 4 with 7.0.3

I get stuck here:

Using syringe to exploit the bootrom..
Exploit sent!
Preparing to load the ramdisk..
Ramdisk load started!

and it just stays there... any idea what I might be doing wrong, and how I can get past this?

thatdreamrgirl said...

I'm trying this on an iphone 4 with 7.0.3

I get stuck here:

Using syringe to exploit the bootrom..
Exploit sent!
Preparing to load the ramdisk..
Ramdisk load started!

and it just stays there... any idea what I might be doing wrong, and how I can get past this?

thatdreamrgirl said...

I'm trying this on an iphone4 with iOs 7.0.3

I get stuck at this point:

Using syringe to exploit the bootrom..
Exploit sent!
Preparing to load the ramdisk..
Ramdisk load started!

Any idea what I might be doing wrong and how I can get past this part please?

Thank you in advance for your help!!

Unknown said...

hi when i open java ssh and the put my iphone on dfu mode it says "ignoring unsupported device UNSUPPORTED". please help and tell ma a solution for this error.

Unknown said...

hi when i open java ssh and the put my iphone on dfu mode it says "ignoring unsupported device UNSUPPORTED". please help and tell ma a solution for this error.

Unknown said...

hi when i open java ssh and the put my iphone on dfu mode it says "ignoring unsupported device UNSUPPORTED". please help and tell ma a solution for this error.

Unknown said...

hi when i open java ssh and the put my iphone on dfu mode it says "ignoring unsupported device UNSUPPORTED". please help and tell ma a solution for this error.

Unknown said...

I'm trying with and Iphone 4 and when i connect are giving me a UNSURPOTE message.. how can i fix it?

Unknown said...

Hello friend, thank you for your excellent work, but I am very anxious to bring out a version for the iphone 4s, I need to activate when the sucrase? I hope answers! greetings or when this please send it to me!

De tudo um pouco... said...

Man,do you think about release a version to use with a6 chip?email me if possible,I wanna know some more about this ssh ramdisk.
And amazing work man,regards.

Unknown said...

it doesnt work on iPhone 4s, what can i do?

Unknown said...

it doesnt work on iPhone 4s, what can i do?

Unknown said...

@mfst.guy im getting this error with my iphone4 gsm rev 2


whats causing this?

Lochy said...

I ran the tool iOS 6.1.3 and when it got to almost there
it went into a boot loop again, suggestions?

Haked By:warriorshack said...

Tried to do this on my iPhone4 but SSH RD fails, this is the log message:

SSH ramdisk maker & loader, version 29-06-2013 git rev-04b
Made possible thanks to Camilo Rodrigues (@Allpluscomputer)
Including xpwn source code by the Dev Team and planetbeing
Including syringe source code by Chronic-Dev and posixninja
syringe exploits by pod2g, geohot & posixninja
Special thanks to iH8sn0w
device-infos source: iphone-dataprotection

Extracted resource to C:\Users\***\AppData\Local\Temp\ssh_rd\native\jsyr ingeapi.dll
Extracted resource to C:\Users\***\AppData\Local\Temp\ssh_rd\native\mux_ redux.dll

Connect a device in DFU mode
MobileDevice event: MuxConnect, 0, 0
MobileDevice event: MuxDisconnect, 0, 0
MobileDevice event: DfuConnect, 8f91227, 4008930
DFU device 'UNSUPPORTED' connected
Ignoring unsupported device UNSUPPORTED
What do you think might be the problem? Thanks!

Haked By:warriorshack said...

Tried to do this on my iPhone4 but SSH RD fails, this is the log message:

SSH ramdisk maker & loader, version 29-06-2013 git rev-04b
Made possible thanks to Camilo Rodrigues (@Allpluscomputer)
Including xpwn source code by the Dev Team and planetbeing
Including syringe source code by Chronic-Dev and posixninja
syringe exploits by pod2g, geohot & posixninja
Special thanks to iH8sn0w
device-infos source: iphone-dataprotection

Extracted resource to C:\Users\***\AppData\Local\Temp\ssh_rd\native\jsyr ingeapi.dll
Extracted resource to C:\Users\***\AppData\Local\Temp\ssh_rd\native\mux_ redux.dll

Connect a device in DFU mode
MobileDevice event: MuxConnect, 0, 0
MobileDevice event: MuxDisconnect, 0, 0
MobileDevice event: DfuConnect, 8f91227, 4008930
DFU device 'UNSUPPORTED' connected
Ignoring unsupported device UNSUPPORTED
What do you think might be the problem? Thanks!

@Ym1r said...

awesome hack buddy!! working fine with 4S

Unknown said...

frm where i can download that fucking jar file.... stuck :@

Unknown said...

frm where i can download that fucking jar file.... stuck :@

@Ym1r said...

Unknown said...

I try for iphone 5 and said " ignoring unsupported device UNSUPPORTED " . If there is any update ssh ramdisk for iphone 5 - would like use and would like to say thank you very much for the teams who made it.

Thank you very much ..


please let me know by email if there is any update :

alanabimael said...

is there a ssh_rd to A5+?

ipad_junkie said...

Can any developers explain how I can SSH into an iPad Air 7.0.6??

ebliz606 said...

I waited for Ramdisk load started for a long time, but it's still not working, can you please tell me what to do??

Appzuniverse said...

Very informative blog, Nowadays hackers can easily accessing our code and everything including mobile devices, your post was awesome and very useful to everyone, Keep sharing like this posts..
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Unknown said...

It work in ipad 2?
Someone can help me

Ashish Murugan said...

Thanks for sharing your info. I truly appreciate your efforts and I will be waiting for your further write ups thank you once again.

Its Me Sathik said...

Hi when we can expect ssh ramdisk for iphone 5 global?, any guidance on how to root access files on iphone 5 global which is running ios 7.1.1, i need to make sim activate.

Unknown said...

anyone succeded on ios7 (iphone 4)
I have connected using EaseUS MobiSaver 4.0 along with jar 04b..
but no /dev/disk*

Kiraly Brick said...

WOW, this is a life saver! I wanted to overclock my 3G on 4.2.1 and messed up with a space, and then the iPhone would shut itself off at the boot logo and enter recovery after a reboot. First tested on Win7 x64, it gets stuck at "Uploading ramdisk". Then i ran it on an XP x86 and there i have succesfully opened the SSH server. Finally worked, this saved my life!

Kiraly Brick said...

Unexpected result - after using the tool, and a hard reset, the iPhone 3G went into a recovery loop. TinyUmbrella cannot kick it out as it keeps going back. Possible corrupt volume data?

Depressionals said...

thanks for your this trick i have recently try this trick on my iphone 4 which had been struck on activate cloud screen....its wonder full to unlock activation screen by doing all the steps you have tells us in your video but after this i have lost my phone signals and always show no service while a sim card in inserted...please tell the way how to unlock this...thanks

Unknown said...

@msft.guy when is the ssh.jar A5+ or just A5 coiming ? like is there an exploit ?

Unknown said...

@msft.guy when is the ssh.jar A5+ or just A5 coiming ? like is there an exploit ?

Unknown said...

it says "Success! connect to localhost on port 2022 with your favorite ssh client.
ssh with terminal to my local
but when i try to login with root it doesnt allow me to key in the password...any help??

Anonymous said...

SSH ramdisk maker & loader, version 29-06-2013 git rev-04b
Made possible thanks to Camilo Rodrigues (@Allpluscomputer)
Including xpwn source code by the Dev Team and planetbeing
Including syringe source code by Chronic-Dev and posixninja
syringe exploits by pod2g, geohot & posixninja
Special thanks to iH8sn0w
device-infos source: iphone-dataprotection
Report bugs to msft.guy (@msft_guy)

Extracted resource to C:\Users\kami\AppData\Local\Temp\ssh_rd\native\jsyringeapi.dll
Extracted resource to C:\Users\kami\AppData\Local\Temp\ssh_rd\native\mux_redux.dll
Error java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: C:\Users\kami\AppData\Local\Temp\ssh_rd\native\jsyringeapi.dll: Can't load IA 32-bit .dll on a AMD 64-bit platform
java.lang.ClassLoader$NativeLibrary.load(Native Method)
java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary1(Unknown Source)
java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary0(Unknown Source)
java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary(Unknown Source)
java.lang.Runtime.load0(Unknown Source)
java.lang.System.load(Unknown Source)
java.awt.event.InvocationEvent.dispatch(Unknown Source)
java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEventImpl(Unknown Source)
java.awt.EventQueue.access$200(Unknown Source)
java.awt.EventQueue$ Source)
java.awt.EventQueue$ Source) Method)$1.doIntersectionPrivilege(Unknown Source)
java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(Unknown Source)
java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForFilters(Unknown Source)
java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForFilter(Unknown Source)
java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy(Unknown Source)
java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(Unknown Source)
java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(Unknown Source) Source)
FATAL: Cannot load native libraries; make sure you're using 32-bit JRE if on Windows!

INIT FAILED (Jsyringe)!

Unknown said...

Did the "INIT FAILED (mux thread)!" bug get fixed yet ? i had a preblem with JRE compatibility and after i progressed i got this:

INIT FAILED (mux thread)!
Possible causes:
iTunes 9 or newer is NOT installed.
Could not bind to the port 2022 (make sure only one instance is running!

please help :/

Unknown said...

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Unknown said...

it says that
Ignoring unsupported device
what should i do???
please tell me in simple steps pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee..............i cant help my self so, please

Unknown said...

Hey you have a ssh for chip A5???

Unknown said...

Hello gays.
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Anonymous said...

Hi, I have iPhone 4 iOS6.1 Jailbroken. I used your tool and now it is stuck with iTunes logo and cable. I would like to still have iOS6. What should I do?

alex_ said...

IPhone 3GS

Thanks a lot, this is miles ahead most "commercial" programs that are not even able to du such a thing.

Unknown said...

need help downing this dont know where to download help please

gafsenseless said...

Iphone 3G in DFU.

jar starting Building ramdisk for device 'DFU Mode S5L8900 Device' then Building ramdisk for device 'iPhone 3G' then 'Ramdisk load started!' and Iphone reboots in standart recovery mode. Try with 3.1.3 and 4.2.1 got same result. Can you help me with this please. Full log here -

gafsenseless said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

I have managed to get into DFU mode and SSH recognize the iphone 4 and DFU mode and says MobileDevice event : RecovryConnect but nothing else happens... no exploit ...and I am unbel to connect the device
please help
Iphone 4 GSM

Anonymous said...

Thank You

Unknown said...

Hello, this procedure works in the current Iphones?

Unknown said...

no meu não deu certo, aparece a mensagem "ignoring unsupported" e nada mais. se alguém puder me ajudar eu agradeço.

TIm said...

Hey! Great post. Gave me hope to restore old content for a long long time!

So I try to run an iPhone 3Gs without a battery (it exploded...)
(you can boot it by holding home for 10 seconds)

All works fine until I arrive at "almost there". The iPhone reboots and goes back to recovery mode (not DFU).

When I put it back in DFU it tells me:
"MobileDevice event: DfuConnect, 1227, 8920
DFU device 'iPhone 3GS' connected
Ignoring same device iPhone 3GS
MobileDevice event: DfuDisconnect, 1227, 8920"

I've tried multiple cables and computers, Mac and Win.

Any idea how I can fix this? Maybe a manual command outside the app?

Unknown said...

computer secure software is really useful for pc and thanks for informing.
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Unknown said...

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Unknown said...

Hello Please help me about this issue
i cant run ssh.jar file

Unknown said...

SSH ramdisk maker & loader, version 29-06-2013 git rev-04b
Made possible thanks to Camilo Rodrigues (@Allpluscomputer)
Including xpwn source code by the Dev Team and planetbeing
Including syringe source code by Chronic-Dev and posixninja
syringe exploits by pod2g, geohot & posixninja
Special thanks to iH8sn0w
device-infos source: iphone-dataprotection
Report bugs to msft.guy (@msft_guy)

Extracted resource to C:\Users\WALYKH~1\AppData\Local\Temp\ssh_rd\native\jsyringeapi.dll
Extracted resource to C:\Users\WALYKH~1\AppData\Local\Temp\ssh_rd\native\mux_redux.dll

INIT FAILED (mux thread)!
Possible causes:
iTunes 9 or newer is NOT installed.
Could not bind to the port 2202 (make sure only one instance is running!

trying on iPhone 5
itune 12.1

Anonymous said...

Where can I download the bypass 3.1/3,2/3.3 file ?help me thanks

Anonymous said...

Where can I download the bypass 3.1/3,2/3.3 file ?help me thanks

Anonymous said...

Where can I download the bypass 3.1/3,2/3.3 file ?help me thanks

Anonymous said...

where can i download bypass 3.1 /3.2 /3.3 ?

Unknown said...

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jessa said...

Just wanted to say thank you for this post.
I know it is a blast from the past, but your clear instructions helped this total noob write my first every linux command. So far, I can't load the disk0s2s1--disk full error. Tried a few stabs at repairing it with fsck_hfs commands, but so far no dice. I will reach out to some folks in the know. The internet can teach you anything, thanks to people taking the time to put great content out there. Thank you!

Jessa--the microsoldering mom.

Unknown said...

SSH ramdisk maker & loader, version 29-06-2013 git rev-04b
Made possible thanks to Camilo Rodrigues (@Allpluscomputer)
Including xpwn source code by the Dev Team and planetbeing
Including syringe source code by Chronic-Dev and posixninja
syringe exploits by pod2g, geohot & posixninja
Special thanks to iH8sn0w
device-infos source: iphone-dataprotection
Report bugs to msft.guy (@msft_guy)

Extracted resource to C:\Users\Miki\AppData\Local\Temp\ssh_rd\native\jsyringeapi.dll
Extracted resource to C:\Users\Miki\AppData\Local\Temp\ssh_rd\native\mux_redux.dll

INIT FAILED (mux thread)!
Possible causes:
iTunes 9 or newer is NOT installed.
Could not bind to the port 2202 (make sure only one instance is running!

Unknown said...

iPhone 3G 4.2.1 jailbroken with redsn0w

after deleting the crackle app years ago when they stopped supporting it, the phone has crashed during boot ever since. around that time i tried your fix using a MacBook pro and every time got stuck on "Almost there" so i eventually gave up. couple years later i'm trying on a windows 10 machine and i'm stuck on "Almost there" again.

could the fact i changed the original "alpine" password be causing this problem?

Unknown said...

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adieslave said...

Thanks for the tutorial...even i cant get the disabled screen gone,as long as i can copy all my files will be enough for me...while typing,im downloading all my files from my phone,after that,i will restore my phones to default...just follow the guide in the video,u will be just expecting to bypass the disabled screen so that i dont need to restore my phone, but im still feel gratefully as i dont lose any data inside :_)

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Unknown said...

How to Ignoring unsupported device UNSUPPORTED?

Unknown said...

How to Ignoring unsupported device UNSUPPORTED?

Anonymous said...

Hello! This program works only on iOS 6 and lower. Can I edit this program and publish it for new iOS versions and chips?

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BASHCA said...

Ramdisk prepared at C:\Users\ibrahim\AppData\Local\Temp\ssh_rd\ipsw_iphone31_9A405\038-3715-001.dmg
Exploit sent!
Initiated ramdisk load!

hello .. it stop here . what can i do ?

Unknown said...

I have an i6s, can this be done with this device, I cannot get past the " Unsupported Device " error when I run the ssh tool.

any ideas?

Unknown said...

hello, i got an error :
Using syringe to exploit the bootrom..
Exploiting the device failed!

could someone suggest what should i do ?
i'm using MacBook Pro 15" - OS X El Capitan (10.11.6)

thank you

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